Fresh Squeezed Homemade Lemonade
Lemonade has been my favorite beverage ever since I was a kid growing up in Indiana. Summertime it would get so hot in our house and we didn’t have central air or air conditioning, so we had to find ways to cool ourselves off. For my siblings and I, cooling off always included my mom’s homemade lemonade.
Once I became an adult and started having my own family I was blessed to have central air but my love for lemonade never waned. It has actually increased but I have my own recipe now. I drink lemonade year round now but it is my go to beverage when the kids and grandkids are home and for all family gatherings, but there is still nothing more refreshing than an ice cold glass of lemonade on a hot summer day.
In case you want to make this for your friends, family or for yourself, Denise’s Fresh Squeezed Lemonade Recipe is detailed immediately following the image below.
(An important note: I always use a fruit press to squeeze my lemons for this recipe. Also, when you’re making homemade lemonade it’s about a 2-to-1 ratio. 2 cups of water to 1 cup of lemon juice. So, for my recipe I will have 3 cups of lemon juice and 6 cups of water. However, you may adjust the ratio to your desired taste).
This recipe can also be made with ReaLemon Lemon Juice if you don’t have any fresh lemons.
- About 3 cups of lemon juice which is approximately 15-20 lemons (if you don’t have enough lemons feel free to use ReaLemon Lemon Juice). Also, you’ll need to set aside one lemon for garnish.
- 2.5 cups of sugar (to make a simple syrup).
- Turn stove on medium heat.
- Gently stir the sugar and water until it dissolves.
- While the sugar and water simmer you may begin preparing the lemons.
LEMON PREP: Scrub the lemons thoroughly under cold water with a vegetable brush (or salt – it’s your preference).
- Once you’ve finished giving the lemons a good scrub, dry them off well with a towel.
- Give each lemon a good roll before squeezing.
- After Rolling the lemons and before squeezing (check on your simple syrup on the stove because it needs to be completely cooled before using).
- Cut lemons in half and place in the fruit press one at a time until all the lemons have been squeezed.
- Once all the lemons have been squeezed you may need to strain the juice to remove any pulp.
- Pour lemon juice and remaining water into your pitcher.
- Then pour your simple syrup into the pitcher.
- Give it a good stir being sure to check for seeds that may have come out while squeezing the lemons. If you find any seeds just use either large spoon or a small strainer to remove them.
- Sample the lemonade to see if it is sweet enough. If not then feel free to add more sugar.
- Once lemonade has been sweetened to taste, fill your glasses with ice then pour. Be sure to add a lemon slice to garnish each glass and enjoy!