My Kitchen Garden: Garden Delights
It’s summer in Indiana and my garden is in full bloom. This year, instead of just flowers and a few herbs, I’ve planted more of a kitchen garden…a few veggies which include tomatoes, peppers, collard greens, celery, and peas. I’ve picked a few peppers, a nice bunch of collards, and put away some of the celery in the freezer. The tomatoes and peas are not ready as of yet but the promise is there.

I must say, it is nice to be able to step outside my door and pick fresh vegetables and herbs as needed. What am I doing with them? Well, I’ve made pork tenderloin with fresh mint and thyme, sage and orange chicken, roasted chicken with root vegetables (which required fresh herbs), and fish soup with fresh herbs just to name a few of our delicious dinners.
I have also made quite a few sauces using my tomatoes and other dishes requiring vegetables, parsley, thyme, or oregano that are too numerous to name. But as my grandson, CJ, said, “It’s nice to be able to go outside and snatch a pepper out of the garden.” He’s embraced the joy of cooking with fresh herbs.